Just Chill !!!
August 09, 2015
January 23, 2014
to the falling Leaves of Indiranagar...
Air was cool and crisp, I strode.
One fine Evening on 12th Main, by the 100ft road.
Between the woods laden with golden
Orange and silver leaves, peeped the sun ray.
As I sauntered feeling the wind, passing by
Mansions, Crossword and Coffee Day.
A gust of wind blew, tearing a leaf from the tree.
It rolled, danced and perched on my head
careless and free. I cherished the
Lonely lean leaf on my lanky hand.
I Kissed it and brushed it
and caressed it, with my bearded cheek.
High on the bough where other leaves cling,
Tweaked with envy with a desire to fling.
just like that lonely lean leaves in my lanky hand.
With a desire to get touched and caressed and
Lay with piece on the coal tarred indiranagar land.
I kept strolling as I heared the rumbling sound
of leaves that fluttered craving to comedown.
There were thousand and millions of them
craving to be touched, craving to be cherished
and let it self-fall but I am limited, I
Couldn’t catch them all.
I wandered on the road, where other dead leaves
Lay. Oblivious it sailed with a desire
to be touched and caressed but got crumpled
at feet, by the people who strolled by the
Indiranagar street. And as I walk by the road
that wind and bend, past the bakery where
It lead to bus stand. I pondered if I were a leaf
and fall, would someone hold me or let me fall?
January 04, 2014
PaiN pAin Go awaY
It’s time for Salsa classes to resume, to smile, to cheer!!
But I am frowning my face and looking into the space,
I don’t know what to do while sitting in this boring place!!
I feel sorry for little finger in my feet, for it had a corn
That that tight dough of skin was like a cruel thorn!!
I hurried to a doc as he got a knife and scissor
And he slashed that corn barbarically like a butcher!!
He then flashed his yellow teeth and moved his stoutly lips,
“You will be fine but keep some pain killers some band-aid strips” !!
Its paining like hell but I am not gonna yell,
It’s a matter of couple of days and I will be well!!
Chatting, Reading and Facebooking has spoilt my mood,
May its because its 12: 30 now and I dint had proper food!!
Chhh ! I wish someone would gets a car without fail,
For I would go and shop in this end of Season sale!!
But I can’t do anything but hum these today:
Pain , Pain go away !
Never come again on New Year Saturday
For I want to dance all the way!
Pain-Pain go from my vein,
Do not show your face again!
May 23, 2013
Thoughts that Matters
I feel if the sucess is not shared with the people you love or your colleagues or be it a needy on the street when you are travelling back home and if one does not that thank GOD for gifting one the most intentellegent and invinicible computer in form of brain , then one is really not sucessful.
When people think u r really gone crazy for someting, then one must understand that u r on the right path to success.
I know Monday is blue But sky is blue too and this color is reminds me of serenity and calmness of the sky. Lets make Monday a joyful day to work on :)
February 19, 2012
Why SMokE and MiRRorS Strummed Everyone's Heart...
He dared to drew line with smoke and was smitten by unlimited charm of Bollywood while doing so. He outsourced his music to Indians and that mirrored huge success. Yes, Drew Smith would not have imagined when he outsourced Smoke and Mirrors to I can Dance 2 that it would bring laurels not only from people of his own land but from people across seven oceans. And Ironically I can Dance 2 did not imagine that they were on the cusp of making Next Kolaveri di. What you call matchless geography between India and Canada was actually turned out to be a perfect match of Indian Dance and Western music.
Perhaps why the video clicked was, out of box thinking and an exquisite mix of each and every frame that were meticulously shot.I mean what would you think when you get chance to make a Bollywood video for a Western song? Just an Indian dance would not do. Neither would sheer costume nor would mushy love story like DDLJ. The onus was to burst a Big cracker in small packet and I can Dance 2 cracked it with panache. There were obviously umpteen ideas storming in small teacup and after a lot of “This” and “That” the foundation was setup. It was in a small hamlet just a few kilometers near the suburbs of Bangalore. The broken paintings on the village hut were repainted, the lights were setup into a marvelous tapestry, the dancers warmed up for the shoot and the Cameraperson fixed his lenses. One, Two, Three were the counts and everyone worked in flawless harmony that made Smoke and Mirrors a masterpiece. For what I thought of just a bland dance in the beginning came out like flying colors of Indian culture. The bolywood dance were there, the colors of holi, the Yakshangana dancers and our patent hero and heroine just like in our own DDLJ and finally the entire song was wrapped under hues of Indian rich culture flavoured with Bolywood dance.
Within a few hours when Smoke and Mirrors was uploaded on you tube, the traffic to this site incredibly jammed and the counter read on this portal pointed a whooping 60,000+ in few hours. The number of hits now, which is near 2 lakhs is a testimony that how much people loved the video. When Ananth and Asha were basking in the glory success then did not realize that it’s just the beginning and soon it would be viral in all the leading newspapers of India and New York and they would be interviewed by all the local channels of the tinsel town of Karnataka. This achievement is undoubtedly a golden feather in their already feather-full cap.
February 02, 2012
THoSe MagiCaLThiN AiR BetwEEn Anurag and Shweta....
The next few days Anurag kept browsing her profile almost every time he logged in but her profile never turned green. Hapless he re read her message more than a thousand times and each time he thought, did he reply her message a bit too long ? What would she be thinking? Did she come online and never replied to him? Is she ignoring him? Curious he checked her activities on her profile. To his mercy there were no updates on her profile too. The last one was the day she had sent him a message.
“ Shweta Vishwas likes P.S.I Love you”.
Then one day while he was in his room couched on the floor stroking his pencil featuring the eye lashes of Shweta ,he heard his dad summoning him
“Anurag You need check with one of our client that the paintings are correctly installed”
Anurag was busy sketching his master piece, he thought he would gift it to Shweta this weekend.
“Can I go tomorrow dad, am a little busy today”
“That’s fine Son, I would go to Maheshwari house and check it myself” came the voice approaching towards him.
Anurag paused his sketch and looked into the air and squeezed his lips before he repied
“D-Dad,...Dad !I think I can go, I need to buy ...Umm …some of my painting brush on the way.”
Anurag could barely say without controlling his excitement.
“Really! Or something else cooking in the air. I knew you would never deny going there.”, his dad acknowledged with playful smirk for he knew Shweta and Anurag were kindof having a nice time ealier when they met together at her house.
“D-d-dad” he stretched his voice. “You know me…I am ....I am not ….”
“Take my car and come back soon my boy.”,His dad interrupted.
“ Thanks dad “ his voice trailed as he left his house
Anurag stopped his car just by the side of white duplex house where two-limousine kinds of car were parked royally. He ranged the bell.
As the door swung open he was startled to see Shweta.
“He-e-e-y”, she dragged her voice as pleasantly surprised.
“ I need to check the installation of the painting… Hope am not disturbing you”
She shrugged her eyebrows.“You are disturbing Mr.”
Anurag couldn't control his blush as he scratched his head.
“Come ... come inside”, she chuckled playfully."was just kiddin"
A slightly nervous Anurag walked in. He was amazed to see the opulent caricature stuck on the wall while climbing to the first floor.
“Where is Maheshwari uncle?”
“O, papa and mamma had gone for a meeting they organize in our community. He is the president there”
Anurag’s heartbeat hastened up as he heard she was all alone.Nevertheless he pretended to gaze around trying not to look Shweta.
“What are you staring at?
“That girl in the painting " he paused
"by the dining table, I mean,Isn’t she pretty?”
Shweta cupped her lips and with a playful smile she raised her voice “That’s all, you can’t see any other beautiful girl around?”
Anurag shrugged and smiled at her and then pretending to be normal he said “Can I see our painting installed? I need to go before its starts raining and my dad asked me to come asap”
Anurag scrutinized the painting, its symmetry with the background and the screws that had been drilled to the wall. It looked fine and for few minutes none of them said anything and in this perfect silence many questions swirled around his head.
“How come I have nothing to speak, am I that nervous because she is alone? Should I kiss her? No, that would be too much. What would she think?”, Anurag was lost, his eyes still at the painting making different eyebrow shapes as if analyzing the painting very seriously.
“Hey what’s there in your hand”, Anurag tried breaking the ice
“Love Story, by Eric Segal, I kind of like this book …reading it for the third time ”
“Oh! Nice…I like reading too…but that’s a sad book”
“Sad Books make good read,” she chirped coming closer to Anurag For the first time his eyes met her for a little more than what you call briefly. Anurag could smell her hair. It was exquisite and he noticed how she looked even more beautiful when she was alone.
“I think the painting matches the color of the façade of this drawing room.”… He took a deep breath as he continued.” Hmm…I think am done…Everything else is perfect. Can I have a glass of water?”
“Sure”, she called her servant.
There was silence again. However the moment was not as nervous as before. He wanted to defy the norm. He thought he wanted a little more of her now.
“Can I ask you something if you don’t mind”, Anurag broke silence again.
“Ummm” she uttered pulling few hairs behind her ear.
“Whose that guy in your facebook album… You never said anything about him.”
“O… he is my cousin from States. I had been to States last year when we clicked this”.
“By the way, don’t tell me that you are already jealous… Mr.” She squinted her eyes mischievously “No… O C’mon! Why should I? I mean...I dint that..." Anurag tried to fool Shweta.
Outside the overcast weather had suddenly transformed into sheets of downpour. They could see the straight lines of rain diagonally hitting the street lamps. As Shweta turned to shut the window, he could see how her salwar was semi-circular near her neck leaving generous amount of skin. The strap of her bra was thinly visible and he noticed a beautiful mole on her nape.She looked surreal and he was lost.
“What are you thinking… you are awfully quiet not like the Anurag who chats on Facebook ”, she questioned giving him the glass of water.
“Oh-No, I was just thinking about How…How I..”,Their fingers brushed gently as he took d glass from Shweta.
“I hope you are thinking good things Mr.”, Shweta Interrupted
“O good things of course, I was thinking when the rain stops and I go home.”
“O really”, Shweta folded her hand with a smile,
"I dint knew you are such a goodBoy...Anyways...Ok...Tell me soemthin?”
“yes Off course?”
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
Well that was out of blue. But guys generally have a supernatural perfect reply for this, leaving the women mysteriously confused.
“No… I mean I dint knew but I had a friend a couple of years back but…. but I dint knew she was my girlfriend.”... He measured his words..."and on a serious note....none! I never had anyone in my life."
They continued talking thier sweet nothings and what you call "eventually" they dint realize that they were so close to each other.Perhaps both of them sensed that but no body tried to move back. Anurag's throat had gone dry. He saw how tresses of Shweta had artistically curled down scarcely covering her sleeveless shoulders. He felt the heat in his heart, as he wanted to hug Shweta tightly ,move those extra strands from her neck and kiss the mole on her nape. This could perhaps break the suspense of his love in a spur and he could relive this one moment for more than eternity. But he remained quiet for he thought some Love in life needs a little more time and it grows more intense and seems aesthetically pure if its not touched sometimes or may be he just wanted to caress those magical thin air between him and Shweta that was even more enchanting !!!
To be continued...
January 14, 2012
Love by the FaceBook 2
December 23, 2011
An Old man's Christmas

And he believed in the word of GOD and prayed for his happiness.
Astonishingly there were scores of children then,
who wished him"Merry Christmas", as he replied simply,
"GOD Bless"
August 15, 2011
My School 12th Reunion...( A story of love)
When I woke up this morning, I felt something unusual, as if I was racing thorough my life in a train leaving behind a collage of images of my home, my family, my dance class and my school friends. Was it because I would be turning 28 in week’s time? Or the desi bland air that was hung with smell of guava leaves and rain coming from my balcony? Or the letter I received from my alma mater of its 12th reunion? It was a Sunday morning of languor as I kept changing sides creating wrinkles on my bed, recalling those days gone by.
“Nilu”, her name was. How I smiled when I first saw her. A chubby girl with exactly two ponytails, her school bag stylishly resting on her right shoulder walked into the classroom. I wish I could relive those days of adolescence yet again but then I have to endure the time of pain that were hidden in my joyous childhood as well…
She had an unusual haughty vibes telling her early education was at some posh boarding school. Her skirt was neatly preened, not very short like those of Delhi girls and the contour of her spotless white shirt told, she had caressed the warmth of teenage life. I dint knew the first poem I penned up for her, would make her cheeks turn red … “Roses are s red, Violets are blue and now I See u, in everything I do…”
I kept thinking as my life was rewinding like that in a videocassette and picture frame around me turned into black and white. I started climbing down stairs from 4th floor of my apartment facing opposite direction, boarded train that zoomed in retrograded motion as if the last compartment was pulling its engine. In minutes time I hit my country road, I see the newly built malls turning to tea stalls, the tarred roads becoming earthly where sounds of morning fruit seller echoed. My mush starts turning smoother as if I had never shaved, I become more leaner and shorter and then there I was in St Paul’s school, exactly 12 years back, my last day before the boards. It was English class, when Father Thomas was construing the lines of Merchant of Venice and whose beard just turned black from grey as he became younger just like I did a few clocks back.
“Antonio: In sooth I know not, why I am so sad, it wearies me and you say it wearies you, but how I c aught it, found it or came by it, I am to learn…”
As Father was engrossed in teaching the excerpts of Shakespeare’s play, I was staring at him pretending to concentrate but moving my eye balls sideways tying to sneak into Nilu’s eye. As I was about to hurl a paper ball to her, Father knew there was something cooking as he eyed me up with ferocious steps, held my cheeks with his old stubby thumb and pulled it a zillion times. And then raining spit he hurled his clichéd words, which he had already uttered a thousand times…
“What’s wrong there?…Whaaaat is Wronnng there?”
“ You rotten sac of potato, don’t build castles in the air…I feel sorry for u !!! Study hard or else your carrier is ‘goona be marred”.
He continued reprimanding and I continued lending my ear bowing head down until the bell had gone for lunch.
In the break, at the corridor just outside the class, many students gathered. Some threw pranks laughing and pushing each other. Some just stared at the girls with budding round contour clad in tight sweaters and some for no reasons. Few paces away Nilu stood looking for a moment to console me. She looked beautiful as she came near me. Her white bra was thinly visible under her translucent shirt. It made me yearn for more. I waited for the school to call it a day, when I would meet her over a date and that would be more intimate unlike few furtive kisses earlier. I knew she would never say a “ No”. Nevertheless I cheated everybody eye as I nimbly handed over a chit asking her to meet me after the last period.
I ran to the football ground and so did all the guys. Yes, “Game’s” was our last period. It was battle between red house and blue house. All the twenty-four of us frantically ran after one ball. Some girls went for a stroll gossiping and some peeped us from the class window that over looked the ground. I saw Nilu stealing a glance from the sidelines of one of the window. Her boy friend was not less too. He was an exhibitionist and boastful. When I had a chance I dribbled the ball first left and then right, hopped it more forward, fumbling to beat another one but some one from behind always snatched the ball. I used to whack the ground in abject but Nilu would giggle cupping her nose enjoying my hopelessness .It did not matter to her whether I was a “Pele” at the game or a mediocre, after all she had fallen in love with a guy who cuddled her and kissed her at times she was most forlorn, talked whenever she needed him and when she was happy, he multiplied.
Finally the last period called it a quit, as I waited for Nilu in an abandoned room just behind Father’s quarter. It was sheltered with unlimited mangroves from the top and school boundary wall from behind that just separated our school from the railway track. This was the most risk fully safest place at the bay of our campus. Safe because no one dared to saunter at the circumference of father’s quarter and risky because after all it was by the shadow our principal’s home…
Each second of her delay made me more restless. The hands of my clock ticked as fast as the beat of my heart and there she was tiptoeing towards the most mysterious place of our school. Her almond like eyes gloomed like never before. Thoughts of the afternoon stormed my mind as her pony-tailed head lay on my lap. I cleaved a few stands of her hair and kissed the black mole on her nape. We lay among the dusty bench as my hand trailed on every detail of her neck and shoulders. I unbuttoned her top as I saw the strap of her bra that firmly shaped her authenticate curves. My heart pounded unusually faster and our breath became shallower.
“You fool, did you locked the door”, gasped Nilu as I saw twinkle in her eyes. I dint not wish to offend her as I run and twisted the lever of the door. We had devised our indigenous of locking the door from outside.
She looked more tired today as there were streaks of perspiration on her chubby cheeks-but that only made her look more stunning. Even I reeked of the playground smell as my temples were smeared with dust. But where do these impurities matter when your are in love. I kissed her forehead, her eyes, her lips and I dint knew when I had cuddled her bosom. She did not stop me for sure. I set aside her necklace and left a trace of my wetness on the lines of her neck and more below. My hands then fondled her back in circles as I unhooked her bra.
This was the last time Nilu was so close to me. The door which was confidently locked from outside was cruelly broken and there stood a tall figure named Father Thomas with a fury in his eye. We froze with terror and the next morning there was a letter of or suspension on his table. I picked up mine as I kept mulling over the tragedy of errors.
There were many days unfolded since then and after the boards I tried to contact Nilu… But each of my phone call were received with silence and every letter of mine were unanswered.
To be continued….
July 10, 2011
Drinking beer on a Sunny Sunday

One fine Sunny Sunday in the month of
June, we played a match in the scorching
afternoon. First we ran for runs and then
for catch. Lazily we bowled and finshed the
match. And when the Sun held high in the
Bangalore town ,we decided to have Beer
on the cricket ground. Corona it was so yellow
and clear, like a mellow sunshine bottled in
form of beer. We raised our bottles, and some
their plastic cups. “Cheered” in chorus and
gulped the first cheering Bottoms Up.
“BurrRRrrr”, we howled and squeezed our
lime. The first bottle, the first one
we finished in no time.
The Second pint was smooth and slow.
The Only one who’s’ high was Joe. His eyes
Was fixed and voice numb as he frantically
went on scratching his bum. Ananth too hit
his guitar down , strumming “You spin my
head right round”. Sandy was quiet and
the only sober one, for he was used to drink
Old Monk rum. By and by we drank to the
Core, we counted the score, it was not one or
two nor three but Four.
As I was on a fifth bottle embark, Varun
snatched my drink and hurled his remark,
“Dude, What the Fcuk, this is not fare”,
that bottle not urs, that’s my share.”
“Jack are You ?” , i said, "I can see you through my
hazy funk, Gimme my drink ,am not so drunk”.
His parched soul then headed towards
Karthi ! But he said Sorry Macha, am sharing
my drink with Parthi. And when he was left
with none, He joined sandy with his old monk
We played a lot of prank, some I cant recall,
For my mind was tumbling under influence
of alcohol. Suddenly came with another bottle
Murali aana, I said,” Sorry brother, too much
Now, I don’t waana”.
At times I ponder, I am doing too much drinking,
So I advised my mind, better quit…….. Thinking.
I poemed this incident on that moment spur. I dint
knew I would mix beer and metaphor. I waked
the sleeping poet within me. Like Frost Robert
writes word and talks like a simile.
The deep were lovely dark like woods
For promised are broken for goods
And smiles to come whenever u drink…
And smiles to come whenever u drink…
February 24, 2011
No one can touch nor can see, no one can encage nor can free.
A sense that can be ecstatic and times eerie.
A rhythm divine and simple but herculean
to unravel its secrecy. Like a string they bind
beads of relationship With the pearl Of love Of separation
and eternal Oneness. They make a famished
mother cry for her dear child amidst all opulences.
Memories linger on and on which haunts the halcyon
days of joy and bliss and nostalgic souls
cry for the patimes that they miss.
Drenched in these ecstatic feelings
Lovers swear to be one and restless they shed
oceans of tear at time of separation.
Sometimes they replete soul happy and gay and
sometimes they cause them dismay.
Presence of which makes life beautiful and
as beautiful it can be. It bring
love, care and empathy when clad
For that is the dichotomy between living and dead.
February 17, 2011
Love By the FaceBook
A voice seemed to fade into the air...
Lost in the oblivion of solitude, the world to him seemed so mundane and hollow. Couching on a lone bus at Jeevan Bheema nagar , Anurag kept mulling at every raindrop that kissed the ground and slitted into several smaller drops. A few sporty ones cruised on a roller coaster ride by the rim of the window pane finally dropping on his elbow. He had given hope that his Face Book acquaintance would ever be his friend and date him...
She would ? She would'nt ?....She would ? …..But why not ? After all she had promised him when he last pinged her. His mind was playing a tug of war with self inflicted questions between Would she or Wouldn't she...
SHWETA, thats the name, he typed searching for long lost class mate.
And FaceBook recommended him a bunch of Shweta Aggarwal to his confusion...Many of them sporting a beautiful profile pictures but to no avail. He browsed through one of the profile with no picture but a big yellow color circle that was happy smiley. Suspecting Shweta he was looking for he sent her a message...
Hey Shweta...
This is me...Anurag !!!Remember ? GOD...where on earth I did not search for u ? Where are you and how u doing ? Remember...u said me... We will always be in touch...But it seems the day we parted from school, we lost our connection...Hope you are the shweta one am looking for 'o else I am sorry !!!
Reply in haste...
Hello Anurag
I am sorry...I am not the one Shweta you are looking for....But your message was sweet indeed and I see your are a wonderful artist...One of the sketches in your Photos , where a couple is dancing on white cloud... that sketch...it really touched my heart. I would not mind making you my acquaintance.
Acquaintance and Love she had used both the words in her short message. Well, for a moment he felt something unusual under his belly. Nevertheless both of them added each other as acquaintance and as the day passed by they became good friends and as more days passed they became a little more than close friends, if you understand what I mean.
Shweta tiptoed towards the terrace hiding the piece of paper in her bosom which Anurag had given her this evening. It was a starry night with the wind just blowing to soothe her cheeks. Gingerly she unfolded the piece of paper. It was a sketch of a girl in black sleeveless top which looked exactly like her. Her hairs loose open, strands flying in the air, hands strethced wide emracing the rainfall. Droplets of water hanging aoround her nose and cheeks, as thought bidding the last good bye just before falling down and her dress fully wet hugging her body as though taking the warmth of her ethereal skin. In the background there was a coconut tree bowing down to her as if for protecting her from the storm and there was a streak of lightening in the sky which she was not wary off. Completely independent, Jovial and full of frolic she was lost in her own world of dance.
The sketch was just out of the world. Her lips arched from one end of her cheek to another smiling with unlimited blush. She felt very happy that someone can imagine her so beautifully. But there was a tinge of concern as her heart ached for a moment. She never danced so freely and what if Anurag had fallen in love with her ? It was not that she did not like him but she couldn't imaging getting married to him. She was daughter of a millionaire builder while he was just a meager earning artist. She pondered for some time and decided to suppress her happiness in her heart she felt for the sketch and for Anurag.
The next afternoon she waited for him at Costa Coffee house. Getting down from his bike, he adjusted his hair . She could sense his anticipation of getting tons of compliment from her....
“So, How was it ?”
“It was good”, She said, “But not like me, u know”....
“But Why not ?”
“The girl in your sketch it seems... Seems like very much younger than I am ....plus she is stupid. She could have at least taken a shelter, how can she be so careless to dance in rain under the coconut tree when its lightening.”
Shweta kept speaking and Anurag kept listening as his eyes sinked deeper and breath became shallower.
“But I dint set out to make you stupid. I drew you as you came to me”
A voice from her heart was telling her to keep mum, but she decide not to listen to it..,
“Did u know, my daddy has never ever let me walk in the rain”
“No But-”
“Did you know I have never ever danced in an open area, like you have depicted ?”
“No But-”
“You are completely mistaken about me. I am rich Anurag but I am not as free as you think. My daddy is really strict and he never let me alone anywhere except for when I come to college. He is like that not because he is thinks I am girl but because he cares for me more than anything in the world.”
“Osh...I am Sorry Shweta...but can you give me a chance to fix it....Can I make the real you ? The one which you like to be....Confident ,Careful and your daddy's daughter...I promise...”
“Daddy' Daughter”, these words from him stole her heart. But she was silent...She knew she has spoken so much for no reason and it was indeed a beautifully sketched herself. She felt sorry but she never expressed her apologies.
“OK”, She replied, “But I don't like wearing black top u sketched ”, She tried putting in attitude.
“You don't have to, I gonna clad you in the blue embroidered salwar, with dupatta hanging very carefully around your slender neck. Your ears Jewelled with the perfect gem hiding between your well groomed strands falling on to your shoulder and your forehead dotted with shinning bindi between your eye brows. ”
Anurag was talking about one of her profile picture on FaceBook that she probably had clicked in one the wedding cermony.
“and I dont want to dance under the rain and my hands should be well poised”
“Sure, you will not...I will make u sit on a chair , a well manicured hands perfectly crossed over your knees. I love it when you are like that flawlessly sitting on chair sporting a smile that could make a sad person like me smile too”
“and I love it when my eyes are Kohled and my feet ankled ”
“Your eyes are beautiful, that is perhaps the first thing I noticed about you. I can imagine how pretty you would look, like when your eye rim would be accentuated by shades of Kohl and how good it would sound when your anklet would jangle as you walked effortlessly”
Shweta sensed her cheeks getting redder and her heart pounding unusually extra as she never ever imagined in her sweetest dream that someone would describe her so beautifully.
It was time for them to part. They bid good bye to each other. Anurag promised that he would paint her exactly the way he told her. Shweta smiled for the last time as she turned to go. Suddenlly she became conscious of her dress she was wearing, the melody of her anklet as she stepped each time and her eyes that whether she forgot to smear it with the Kohl today.Was she in Love too?
To be Coninued....