Amidst the lush woods of a hamlet
in an auspicious full moon night.
Arrived a hermit with a horse,
a horse, that was magical and white.
And as he rode by the road,
he decided to take some rest.
The King then with disdainful bow,
offered him a cottage as guest.
The hermit very wise and humble
smiled and slept in peace, all night.
On a floor without a cot he slept
and woke up until next morrow light.
“O majestic one, the king you are”,
said hermit, his voice very low.
“Ask for a benediction, you like,
and I shall grant you, for sure”.
“O Kind one, the hermit you are”,
said the king , his head held high.
“Grant me, the white magical horse
and I shall remember you till I die.”
“Amen”, uttered hermit, with a balm.
“Chant Thank God, and the horse gallops.
Chant Thank God again for faster gait
and chanting “Save me” ,the horse stops”.
Without gratitude, he laughed at hermit.
His chin held high, he leapt on the horse.
Thank God he shouted and Thanks God again
and the horse trotted without any remorse.
Felt the king brave and excited,
ran the religious horse with pledge.
For he wanted to reach before dawn,
afar from village, the mountain edge.
Thank God, Thank God, Thank God
and Thank God chanted the king.
Under sky and amid trees it flew,
like horse that had magical wing.
Under the blazing sun he rode,
with celerity , towards the cliff
But Alas! Forgot he the other word,
to stop the horse stand stiff.
Stricken with panic, the king shouted,
“Thank God , Thank God”, as the only words
and the horse only galloped with more pace.
But Alas! Thank God only he remembered.
He prayed to God at hour of need
as he was riding on the death’s floor.
Riding, he reached very near to cliff.
The distance to it was just meters four.
Closing his eyes, obliviously he cried
“Save me , Save me , O lord”.
And hearing this, the other mantra,
the spiritual horse, there and then paused.
And when the king let his eyes opened,
he found at the cliff the horse was paused.
But Alas !with a breath of relief, he sighed again,
“Thank God, Thank God, O lord”.